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No-Mess Baking

For no-mess baking, grease your measuring cups before pouring in honey, molasses, or corn syrup.

Tomato stains

Tomato stains? Soak the spot in vinegar before washing.

Fish Odor

Smoked Salmon - Fish bone

To remove fish odors from hands, wash them in one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in one quart of water.

Make Your Own Brown Sugar

Make your own brown sugar: Use a 1/2 cup of molasses per cup of sugar for dark or a 1/4 cup molasses for light.

Better Bread Baking Tip

When baking bread, set a small dish of water in the oven to help keep the crust from getting too hard or too brown.

Gelatin Secret

Do not use fresh or frozen pineapple in gelatin recipes, as the gelatin will not set. (You can use canned pineapple.)

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