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No Straw, Please!

Iced Tea - Stock photography

When dining out, simply request “no straw” with your beverage to help reduce trash. Most of us don’t use a drinking straw with our glass of water at home, so why use one when out? Over 500 million plastic straws are used and discarded every day in the United States alone — that’s 175 billion a

Who Needs Peanuts?

If you need to ship a package, don’t bother buying packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Fill the box with plastic shopping bags to cushion the item you’re sending.

Resist The Urge To Splurge!

Credit card - Credit

Avoiding instant gratification is one of the most important rules for sticking to a budget. Try implementing the 30-Day Rule — wait 30 days before making an expensive purchase to see if you still really need or want the item. Waiting a while can give you a better handle on whether the item is really worth

Don’t Waste The Paste!

Tomato paste - Stock photography

Even though a can of tomato paste is small, sometimes it’s too much for a recipe. Rather than wasting an entire can for a tablespoon or two, remove the paste from the can and freeze it in ice cube trays, then transfer the cubes to a container and store in the freezer. When a recipe

Clever Seed Pots!

Leaf - Eggshell

Hollowed out lemon and orange peels, halved empty egg shells, and ice cream cones work well as seed starters. Simply put soil in the peels, egg shells, and cones (flat bottoms work well) and plant your seeds in them. When ready, plant the whole thing, “pot” and all!

Save Energy And Money!

T-Shirt - Clothes dryer

On good days, use your outside clotheslines for drying instead of the dryer. Air-drying your clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by 2,400 pounds a year.  And even if you only line dry half the time, you can save over $60 in a year!

Conserve Heat Easily

Window - Getty Images

Take advantage of free solar heat. Raise window shades in the day time, draw them by sundown.

Buying Batteries

Metal - Paint

Buy sale price batteries by the dozen. They’ll last about five years.

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